Festive Foreign Film Fans
Bob and Mark are regular American guys exploring different countries and cultures through the holiday experience of Christmas. They enjoy festive movies, music, food, and customs. Each episode features the two visiting a new international location. It's like a global Christmas party!
Festive Foreign Film Fans
Episode 14: Schedryk (Ukraine) and Merry Christmas!
Festive Fans Unite! (send us a message)
Merry Christmas to all of our Festive Fans! The boys celebrate Christmas today by considering the uplifting Ukrainian song and the movie Carol of the Bells or “Schedryk”. The story takes place in the years preceding and during World War II and features three different families who are living as neighbors in a large house. They are different nationalities and religions, and all experience death, violence and inhumanity. It may seem like an odd choice for the holiday, but at its heart, it is a story about humanity, sacrifice, and kindness. What better message at Christmas than one about always having hope and finding light in the darkest of times, which was true then and is still true today. Our effort this December was to feature Russia and Ukraine to highlight the spirit of brotherhood and unity that naturally exists in this region and throughout the world. Our Christmas wish for the new year is for peace in the Ukraine and all of the areas across the globe currently under siege. We can live as the families do at the beginning of the movie – each culturally unique but still sharing and enjoying our diverse music, food and traditions. There is a healing power in joy, and so today embrace this simple, but compelling message: glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men.
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